Thursday, August 13, 2009

Meat and English

Well, the question I got today was a little strange: If there's no I in team why is there meat?
The only thing that I can think that would barely relate to this question is this... I noticed that it did there's and there IS. I guess I notice unimportant things like that. Also team and meat are the letters merely rearranged a little bit. Another thing is that the word meat itself was said aloud the question could be interpreted in a completely different way. One may hear the word and think meet rather than meat. Either way there is not an I in either word. Team and meet require at least two people. So in the sense of I, meaning by oneself there is no I in meat meet or team. This goes too far for most people. I love to share my thoughts. One of the reasons I started this was so that I could express my thoughts thoroughly without anyone laughing at me. I barely care what people think. I also love to analyze the English language, or any language for that matter. That is also why I like to read and write. It sure helps that I can type faster as well. I do enjoy using bigger words as well. I assure you these are my thoughts and certainly not copied from someone else's work. I have better things to do than copy and paste for something I chose to do on my own time.

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